Positive Solutions

Australia, Tasmania

Positive Solutions is a Tasmanian not-for-profit Organisation that has been helping Tasmanians since 1991. Our offices are ‘safe spaces’ that welcome everyone in our community.

Family services we provide are funded or partially funded by the Commonwealth Government under the Attorney General’s Department and/or the Department of Social Services.

We offer Mediation, Counselling and Employee Assistance Program Services to individuals, families and workplaces across Tasmania.

Hobart Office: 165-167 Davey Street, Hobart TAS 7000
Launceston Office: 76 York Street, Launceston TAS 7250
Phone: (03) 6223 5612
Email: admin@positivesolutions.com.au
Website: positivesolutions.com.au




Executive Officer, EAPAA
78 Warraba Rd North Narrabeen