Daly & Ritchie EAP

Australia, National, Providers, Queensland

As a result of our collective experiences, Daly & Ritchie provide a proactive service that focuses on the whole of an organisation; management, leadership, teams and individuals, delivering integrated wellbeing programs for this 21st century.

Both directors of Daly & Ritchie, James & Diana Sheehan have being working in the EAP industry for 13 years. Both have previously worked for major EAP providers and are experienced in the delivery of employee assistance programs and can work in partnership to provide effective programs that assist employees and deliver best value for money.

Address: PO Box 158 Boonah Qld 4310
Phone: 1300 84 44 33
Enquiries: contact us
Website: www.dalyritchie.com.au


Phone: 1300 84 44 33
Enquiries: contact us
Website: www.dalyritchie.com.au



Executive Officer, EAPAA
78 Warraba Rd North Narrabeen